Pug on Wheels

This Pug is born to ride, pink bike or not! He doesn’t even mind the weird look he’s getting from the Frenchie.

Pug on Wheels


These little Pugs are having a grand time snoozing, and it looks like nothing will make this moment even better than a nice belly rub.

Rub a Pug

Thank You Alejandra Prada Marmolejo for the photo!


Even Pugs don’t like Mondays. What is with this day that makes you want to stay snuggled under the covers?

Pug - monday again

Pug Dress-up

Well, it’s this cute little Pug’s birthday… Which means, she can wear whatever she feels like it! Besides, no matter what it is, she still looks adorable.

birthday Pug

Thank you Brendalis Torres and Cupcake

Keeping It Warm

Why do I still have my electric blanket? What I need is a big bundle of these little cuties to keep warm!

Keeping It Warm Pug

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