Would you look at this adorable little Pug. Do they go to cute puppy eyes school or something? Because, whenever they give me that look, I can’t help myself from giving them all the treats they want!
Thank you Colette Perras for the photo!
Mornings are tough… you have to wake up early, get ready for work and think about how to get through the day. Which is why I always try to get a cup of joe, to get me going. But a cup o’ Pug? Now, that will last me all day!
Being a Pug must be really hard that they have literally created a word for their being tired. All those belly rubs, cuddles and treats must really take a lot out of them!
Awww.. the cute little Pug has fallen off her bed! Somebody save her.. before she misses one wink of sleep.
Thank you Paul Trenter for the photo!
Okay, I get it! You want some food. Wow! Whatever happened to subtlety?
Thank You DarkSweet Sophie for the photo!