If you’re searching for hugs and cuddles, you’ve come to the right place! This Pug is available for hugs. Just queue in line, no shoving and pushing. There’s plenty of hugs to go around!
Don’t forget to bring treats though! 🙂
Thank you Arm Kw and Tuptap!
This is one pile up I wouldn’t care being in. Heck, I’d even start it myself! 🙂
Thank you Lady Yamile Camacho Prieto for the photo!
We had to give a sneak peek at this cuteness overload coming to Facebook tomorrow! This little Puglet is absolutely precious! We want them, we want them 🙂 We are happy to Pug Sit anytime!
Thank you Yara Castro for sharing your darling with us!
It’s hard to eat lobster at home when you have Pugs keeping watch at the table. I had to keep checking if we still have butter!
Thank you Sue Newman, Mason and Lizzie!
This Pug didn’t think it was funny at all. When they said it would be funny to put a cute furry friend with him, he was expecting more of a furry bunny, not that! He’s not even sure what that is.