Super Pug

Yep, this little Pug is a superhero. Not only can he leap tall buildings in a single bound or fly faster than a speeding bullet… he can also make your heart melt in an instant with just a stare.

Super Pug - Join The Pugs

Banana Split Pug

Do you have a sudden craving for copious amounts of ice cream? We surely do! How cute is this Puglet? We’ll see you at the freezer 😉

Who ordered the banana split Pug

Hungry for dessert!

Wake up, Buddy!

Don’t you just love waking up to this face? Whether they are asking for a treat or playtime – it never gets old. You can wake me up any time, little cutie!

Wake up let's play - Join the Pugs

Thank you Radka Slováková for the photo!

Jabba the Pug

This little Pug has just watched Star Wars and is now an avid fan. I think he just really connects with Jabba the Hut, would you know why?

Jabba the Pug - Join the Pugs

The Great Cupcake Caper

Pugs love food and cupcakes are no different. So, you can’t really blame this little Pug if he snatches one.. or two.. or three.. especially when it’s just right in front of him. 🙂

The Great Cupcake Caper - Join the Pugs

Thank You Christelle Roussel and Monkey for the photo!

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