Party-Ready Pug

Parties are great. You get to have fun, hang out with friends and family, plus dress up in your best clothes. Just like this party-ready Pug.

Lynn English and Vera party

Thank You Lynn English and Vera for the photo.

The Wine Connoisseur Pug

We took just one trip to Napa Valley and now he’s Mr. Wine Connoisseur! I can’t even touch supermarket wine without getting weird looks from him.

The Wine Connoisseur Pug

Pile of Pugs

Just like a pile of pillows, this pile is soft, cuddly and you can hug as many as you like. But it comes with one major bonus – the cuteness! Quite simply, it’s a Pug lover’s paradise!

Pug pile - Join the Pugs
Thank you Lizbets for sharing on our website!

Mini Pug

Can you tell that he’s totally freaked out by that little sculpture? His eyes seem to say, ‘Do I really need to be so close to this thing? Can I go now?’

Mini Pug - Join The Pugs


Gym Pug

I’ve heard of gym rats, but a gym Pug? I had no idea they were into fitness… or does lying around in fitness apparel count as fitness?

Gym Pug - Join the Pugs

Thank You Laura Molay and “Dexter” for the photo!

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