Announcing our newest “Caption Us” Wednesday winner, Angela DiNardo Stamas, and the original photo with their caption is below! Congratulations Angela! We can’t wait for you to caption a post for Join the Pugs on Facebook.

Our “Runner Ups!”
Jennifer Kogut from Facebook.
“Doggy yoga planks!”
Sherry SherBear James from Facebook.
“Wait for it!!!…. Waaaaait for iiiit!”
Be sure to add YOUR caption to the comments each Wednesday for a chance to win and reach our 137,000 friends!
AND details of “Caption Us” Wednesday can be found right here.
Welcome back Pug Lovers to Flashback Friday!
It’s time for Flashback Friday once again. For this week, we have this super cute photo from February 8, 2013. Yes, we know it’s impossible, but try it and see for yourself. 🙂

Thank you Lynn English for the photo!
This Super Adorable Pug photo needs a caption! Can YOU help?

What is this cute little Pug saying to you? Comment BELOW with your caption!
The winner gets to have their caption seen by over 136K people on Facebook, Twitter and more!
The 2 runner ups also get to be featured on our website.
Share this page with your friends and family and see who can give the best captions 😉
Welcome back Pug Lovers to Flashback Friday!
It’s time for Flashback Friday once again. For this week, we have this super cute photo from March 31, 2013. Shh! (whispering) These little cuties are busy at what they do best…

Thank you Mark Anthony Sequera for this 5 times cuteness explosion!
This Super Adorable Pug photo needs a caption! Can YOU help?

What is this cute little Pug saying to you? Comment BELOW with your caption!
The winner gets to have their caption seen by over 135K people on Facebook, Twitter and more!
The 2 runner ups also get to be featured on our website.
Share this page with your friends and family and see who can give the best captions 😉
Thank you Grace Tolentino from our website!