If this little Pug could talk, I bet those would be his first words. A little Puglet’s life is so awesome… eat, sleep, play. Plus, all the hugs and cuddles they could ever ask for. I wish I could be an adorable Pug.

Thank you Lynn English for the photo!
Awww… how precious is this mommy Pug taking good care of her puppy. You know that little Puglet will be well taken cared of. So sweet!

Thank you Miroslav Andric for the photo!
I don’t know about you but I think this Pug is trying to tell me something. Do you think he’s hungry? 🙂

Awesome photo is by Donfer Lu!
Thoughtful Pugs
Any Pug lover knows how much their little ones love to help out around the house. Case in point, we have this brave Puglet below that was nice enough to bring the mail in. Is there truly no end to Pug consideration?

A special thank you to Kerry Cheshire for this wonderful photo!
Just look at the concentration on this Pug. You know this trick is going to be awesome!

Thank you to Carmen Haas and cutie Sam!
Yep, this little Pug is a superhero. Not only can he leap tall buildings in a single bound or fly faster than a speeding bullet… he can also make your heart melt in an instant with just a stare.