Took the Pugs to the flower shop and it almost got into a disaster! As soon as they saw the bunches of flowers they became very excited. I thought, “hey, they must love flowers to get this much reaction” until I saw them making a ‘move’ on a bunch of zinnias! I high-tailed out of there with the Pugs in tow before the waterworks started.

Who says Pugs and cats can’t get along! Of course they can and they do.. especially if the cat is as warm and snugly as this one.

Thank you Barbara Bientinesi for the photo!
Oops! Looks like someone is in hot water. These two Pugs are not about to let it go, either. Pugs aren’t meanies, but they can hold up their own if they need to. So watch out!

Thank You Anit Vida for sharing the photo!
I didn’t know Pugs loved the snow. Look at this little guy with fresh snow all over his pullover. You know what this means… snow angels!

Thank you Behlül Poyra for the photo!
About a week ago, this little Pug was very certain that all Pugs are black. Seeing this is such a revelation, he is now rethinking his whole “Black Pugs Rule!” slogan to “Pugs of all shapes and colors Rule!”

Thank you Lynn English!
Pugs are known to be patient and kind – always ready to please. This little Pug though takes the cake (he literally will take it, too – if you give him.) He will stay in that position until you give him the yummy treats!

Thank You Annemette Lund and “Frank”!