Pugs never quit, and we vow never to quit bringing you the cuteness! We are both thrilled and grateful to celebrate our first year of Pugelicious fun with our friends. Thank you for welcoming us into your hearts Pug lovers!
Our C.P.O. – Chief Pug Officer – has asked to thank you personally! We caught him in a rare moment of relaxation below 😉

Can You Handle the Cuteness?
Pug lovers, we are very proud and excited to bring you one of the cutest things we’ve seen in a long time, and brought to you by Wendy Davenschot. You know what we’re talking about, GTA V – Pug Edition!
This time, the Cuteness Shows No Mercy! And coming this December, new DLC including extra Fire Hydrants and White Pugs 😉

We need to give a huge Bark Out to our friends Wendy Davenschot, Seloy, Ragnar, Loki and Rinko!
Since becoming aware of white Pugs, it’s surreal. “They’re not really Pugs.” “They’re not genetically sound.” AND “They’re totally safe.” “You can register them with AKC.” Pretty divisive! We believe all Pugs are great; however, we only promote safe breeding. As long as white Pugs are breed responsibly, we only see cuteness 😉 So…
White Pugs – What’s the deal?
What do you think about white Pugs? Are they “real” Pugs? Are they safe? Should they be allowed to compete? Bark your heart in the comments below!

It’s almost February! Wow, time flies for a Pug lover! How are you making out with your New Year’s Resolutions? There are so many temptations around. Take for instance this poor Puglet below! This is not the easy way to stay on one’s “Pug diet” 🙂

The Pug is out of the bag! We finally had to reveal the brains behind the operation. Please welcome our “CPO” – Chief Pug Officer – Huxley! Here is Huxley taking one of his famous power naps, while sunning on his favorite chair. How he accomplishes so much will always be a mystery, but we are happy to have him as our leader. Pug Power!

Pug Developer Task Force reports that the “white” issue has been resolved! You may have noticed your comments and some other areas that appeared to be white on a very light background resulting in difficult to read text. Thank you everyone for your patience.
The Pugs are hard at work to ensure we have the best Pug community on Earth!