Pug Dancer

Isn’t that an adorable looking Pug? She loves to dance and she will gladly pirouette into your hearts, too!

Pug Dancer  - Join the Pugs

Thank you Anna Metzger and Sami for the photo!

Raincoat Pug

Well, I know it’s not even close to a real raincoat. It even looks like a sports jersey at this angle. But, I give this Pug props for being resourceful and cute – that’s for sure!


Don’t Disturb!

It may not look like it, but this bunch of Pugs are actually at work. Please keep your voices down and let them do their jobs. It’s hard being a Pug, you know!

Wendy Davenschot with Seloy, Ragnar, Loki - Join the Pugs

Thank you to Wendy Davenschot with Seloy, Ragnar, Loki for the photo!

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