Christmas Pug

If you’re planning on sending cute Christmas cards, here’s a neat idea to get your cute little Pugs involved. Everybody loves cute Pugs, it will sure lighten up someone’s holiday.

Christmas Pug - Join the Pugs

Thank you to our friend Wendy Davenschot for the photo!

Is it Friday yet?

Friday can’t get here any faster. I know it’s just a day more, but sometimes, Thursdays can feel like the longest day ever!

So please let it be the weekend soon, then I’d have my tongue hanging out like that Pug too!

Pug eager for the weekend

Just a day more and then I can get all the cuddles I want!

Thank you Susan Sabo!

I can’t compete with that!

We all know how Pugs are so sure of themselves. They think they are the center of the world (and to most of us they really are!) But a Pug also knows when to throw the towel… especially when they are vying for Biggest Tongue!

Pug Biggest Tongue

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