Pugs Never Quit

As Pug lovers, we know the truth, a Pug never gives up! That may include their lust for treats or toys, but it includes all of a Pug. Never quit, never stop, Pug Power!

Pugs Never Quit

Pug Finance

If you think Pugs are all about eating and sleeping… You are wrong! They have a keen understanding of money and budgeting, too. They can tell just how much you have in your piggy bank for extra treats!

Pug Finance - Join the Pugs

Thank you Биљана Јанковић and  Johnny for the photo!

My Shadow Sure Looks Funny

I told this little Pug to play a game, follow around that little girl as if he’s her shadow. Well, he must have took it literally, copying her every step… Now the girl actually thinks the Pug is her shadow!

Me and My Shadow Pug - Join the Pugs
Thank you @DaPuglet for the photo!

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