I Think I Can
One thing every Pug lover knows, Pugs never quit! That’s right, when a Pug has their mind on doing something, they are unstoppable. For example, this young Puglet is determined to enter the 2016 Puglympics.
One thing every Pug lover knows, Pugs never quit! That’s right, when a Pug has their mind on doing something, they are unstoppable. For example, this young Puglet is determined to enter the 2016 Puglympics.
I don’t really believe that good luck charms attract that positive vibe, but having both these cuties sure brightens up my day!
In the latest Harvard Pug study, researches found that 99.9% of Pugs are addicted to snuggling! When asked to discuss their body of research, the scientists put out this statement, “In our findings, we have found that Pugs are addicted to snuggling, AND that we are addicted to snuggling with the test subjects.”