Insert Treats Here

These Pugs are low-maintenance and no-fuss. Just insert said treat and your done. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right?

Insert Treats Here - Join the Pugs
Thank you K. Cheshire for the photo!

Geek Alert!

I didn’t think being a geek would rub off on pets, but just look how this little Pug is doing. He’s probably read more books than I do!

Reading helps relax me - Join the Pugs
Thank you Laura Molay and Dexter for the photo!


Oh, innocent little Pug… you don’t know just how precious you are. ‘Cute’ is just one of the many things you will be hearing in your life. So, you best get used to all the attention.

Cute Pug - Join the Pugs

Thank you Rony B. for the photo!

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