Unstoppable Cuteness

Happy Sunday Pug lovers all over the world! We are excited about today’s posts. We have some cuteness on Facebook today we are confident you will find hard to resist 🙂  For example, this cute Puglet below taking time out of her busy schedule to catch the latest show.


Thank you to Todd Sturm and Piper for this great photo!

Finally, it’s the Weekend!

After a long week of hard work, finally some time to relax and have some fun! I know these Pugs have been looking forward to it. And just by looking at their faces… looks like they’ve waited long and hard, too.

Weekend Pug
Thank You Emma Cheshire for the photo!

Cookie Pug

This Pug loves cookies so much, he didn’t realize he already gobbled all of it down. Now he’s sad. He can’t believe it’s all gone! Maybe this hairy blue monster took some of his precious cookies…

Cookie Pug - Join the Pugs


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