Pugs Take No Guff

As all Pug lovers know, Pugs are generally docile pacifists; however, they can have their moments. All we can say is, don’t get on a Pug’s bad side or you will regret it! As you can see, this cute Puglet in boots pushed the other Pug too far. That’s not cool!

Pugs Take No Guff

Thanks to Anit V 😉

Just Chillin’

I don’t think you can get any chill than that. That face + that pose + swing = CHILL

Just Chillin' - Pug Style

Thank you to our friend DaPuglet Pugs!

Sad Pug

Aww… this Pug looks so sad. He just can’t control his eating. But don’t worry, he doesn’t have body issues… it’s more delicate than that. He’s sad he won’t have enough food for later!

sad pug - Join the Pugs

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