We all know how smart Pugs are. We caught up with this enterprising young Pugrammer – that’s a Pug Programmer – at his Hedge Fund in Soho. He said, “We’ve noticed volatility in several areas of the treat market, including GMO free, synthetic, and non-rawhide verticals. We’ve devised a special Pug Power algorithm to take advantage of these trends.” The result, the Pugs have cornered 25% of the Treat Production market in less than 45 days. Woof!

Thank you Bina Baier!
Pug Shoots and Scores
We all know Pugs are geniuses. What a lot of non-Pug lovers do not realize is how athletic, nimble, and sure-pawed Pugs are! For example, this Puglet below is a world Foosball Champion 12 times over. They call him the “Paws of Lightening” because he is so fast, no one can see him in action! Check out these skills below!

Thank you Chris Bm and M&M!
In this case though, it looks like under-drive, since this little Pug is used to an automatic. And by ‘automatic’, I mean, someone pushing the car behind him.

Thank you Candice Murphy for the photo!