Pug Party

These cuties are ready to play. They are so adorable! It’s always a good feeling to see the happy faces of Pugs playing 🙂

Pug Party

Thank you to Camila Fernanda Rozo Moreno for this wonderful photo!

Pugs in Control

I can’t drive out for errands without these two in the driver seat. Every single time! If I don’t promise to go get them treats first, they’re not budging. Talk about demanding. Sheesh!

Pugs in Control


Ready for First Treat

Ah new life! Is there anything cuter than a tinnie, tiny, little Puglet? We say no way! Look at this gorgeous baby! Get in line, because we have first dibs 😉  However, we noticed this Pugs first words were, “where’s my treat?” It’s a good thing the Cuteness is Unstoppable!

I want a treat

Thank you to  Carol Neuman for pinning this on Pinterest!

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