Off to Dreamland

I think I’ve now discovered why Pugs sleep so soundly. In their dreams there’s always some kind of food involved. I’d sleep soundly too, if I were dreaming of an endless buffet!

I'm dreaming of a buffet - Join the Pugs

Thank you K. Cheshire!

Pug O’ Mischief

Reading Harry Potter to a Pug might not be such a good idea. Of all the inspirational characters to follow, this Pug has decided to make George and Fred his heroes. Just look at what he’s up to now?!

Weasley Pug

Mischief managed!

Thank you Wendy Davenshot and Loki

They Multiply!

Remember that movie when those little gremlins multiply whenever one gets wet? If I can make that sort of thing happen, then all I need now with these adorable Pugs is just a bit of rain shower and I’ll be the happiest human ever!

pug explosion - Join the Pugs


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