Weekend Snuggles, Anyone?

Why, yes, of course! Why would anyone think of saying ‘no’ to that? Coming from a cutie like this Pug?

Weekend Snuggles, Anyone? - Join the Pugs

Thank you Leana Stavrothendas and Muffin for the photo!

Flowers make me go wee!

Took the Pugs to the flower shop and it almost got into a disaster! As soon as they saw the bunches of flowers they became very excited. I thought, “hey, they must love flowers to get this much reaction” until I saw them making a ‘move’ on a bunch of zinnias! I high-tailed out of there with the Pugs in tow before the waterworks started.

Garden Pugs


Snugly Wugly

Who says Pugs and cats can’t get along! Of course they can and they do.. especially if the cat is as warm and snugly as this one.

So snugly - Join the Pugs
Thank you Barbara Bientinesi for the photo!

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