Don’t Mess With a Pug!

Oops! Looks like someone is in hot water. These two Pugs are not about to let it go, either. Pugs aren’t meanies, but they can hold up their own if they need to. So watch out!

Don't Mess With a Pug - Join the Pugs

Thank You Anit Vida for sharing the photo!

Snow Pug

I didn’t know Pugs loved the snow. Look at this little guy with fresh snow all over his pullover. You know what this means… snow angels!

Snow Pug - Join the Pugs

Thank you Behlül Poyra for the photo!

Pug Learns Equality

About a week ago, this little Pug was very certain that all Pugs are black. Seeing this is such a revelation, he is now rethinking his whole “Black Pugs Rule!” slogan to “Pugs of all shapes and colors Rule!”


Thank you Lynn English!

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