Ever Patient Pug

Pugs are known to be patient and kind – always ready to please. This little Pug though takes the cake (he literally will take it, too – if you give him.) He will stay in that position until you give him the yummy treats!

Ever Patient Pug

Thank You Annemette Lund and “Frank”!

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Don Juan Pug

Gentlewomen, we believe we’ve found the perfect man! Say “hello” to Don Juan Pug 😉  He enjoys long walks on the beach, snuggling, AND he is a great listener! How could any woman resist?

Don Juan Pug

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I’m Dreaming of a White Puglet

We have to admit that white Pugs are a new concept to us. We’re not exactly sure if they are a hybrid, or even a Pug from the strictly “technical” standpoint. We do feel they are very cute! We would like to know more about how a Pug is breed to be white, whether it is safe, and if the “white” adds any genetic concerns to Pugs.

What do you think about white Pugs? Is there information you can share with everyone regarding the newest Pug “color?”

I'm Dreaming of a White Puglet

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