What Chair?

I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice the cool chair due to the fabulous Pug blocking the way! Seriously, couldn’t you be any more charming?

how fabulous is my chair - Join the Pugs

Thank you to Sanja Savić for the photo!

Yes, We Made It!

It is Friday and it’s time to unwind and have a good time! Congratulate yourself because after a long week of hard work, you made it this far. Time for the weekend Pug party!

You made it to Friday - Join the Pugs
Thank you Marcela Machalová and Ella for the photo!

A Pug Tribute to Marilyn

Our Join the Pugs tribute to Marilyn Monroe. “Like a Pug in the Wind”… couldn’t resist 😉

A Pug Tribute to Marilyn

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