Pug Magic

Breaking News! Pugs Take Over the Animal Kingdom

On Sunday, January 20 we published amazing work by our friend, and master photographer Wendy Davenschot on our facebook page. As you can see, Pugs have begun their invasion of the animal kingdom, thus marking another paw forward to Global Pug Domination!

If you missed it, here is a taste! We can see that clearly, The Pug King is the true master of the jungle!

The Pug King

Of course, we all know that Pugs will protect their human friends to the ends of the Earth. Here we can see the rarely photographed Pug-Man on his way to fight crime!


Pug Power Nap

I love power naps just like the next one, but these two are taking it to another level. Or maybe they’re trying to see who can nap better? The other Pug couldn’t even wait till he got to his own bed, he just napped right then and there.

Pug Power Nap

Thank you to Szabolcs Szilagyi for the photo!

Pug For Speed

Well, look who has a thing for speed. Too much Need For Speed has him thinking he can drive as fast as in the games. That’s why you should not put Pugs in the driver seat!

Pug For Speed  - Join the Pugs

Thank you to our friend Wendy Davenschot for the photo!

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