Pug Arthur and his castle

Adorable Pug Arthur sitting by his castle? 🏰

Pug Arthur and his castle
A brief interview with the Pug Arthur

Arthur says, sometimes life feels like a dream.

You start life as just a little baby Puglet. Then, you wake up one day and realize, what a lucky Pug you are!

As you know, my name Arthur harkens the glorious Nights of the Round Table and their great leader brave King Arthur the Pug.

While I am humble, doesn’t every Pug want a castle? To feel warm? To be safe with your loved ones?

It doesn’t have to be massive like Dover Castle with over 1,000 years of history!

For me, it my family’s castle, which is all I need to be a happy Pug.

Have a story like Pug Arthur to share?

Drop us a line at Join the Pugs. You can contact us here.


Help Ragnar Pug Represent Us

Friends, let’s all work to get Ragnar Pug on the 2019 Hiking Pups Calendar

Help Ragnar Pug on Instagram represent Pugs on the hiking calendar!

👉Help Pug Representation

Help Ragnar Pug on Instagram represent Pugs on the hiking calendar!

More details below. Thank you 👍⠀

From Ragnar Pug:

“Hi friends! This photo is entry #29 for the @hikingdogsofinsta 2019 hiking pups calendar contest.

They will pick the 14 photos with the most likes to be printed. So head on over to their page and show this photo some love.

💖How awesome would it be to have a Pug featured in a hiking dogs calendar?? Let’s make it happen! ❤️⠀

And a big pug hugs and love to everyone who has supported me this far all ready. 😘 Xoxox

Back to you

And if you have a pawsome Pug to share, contact us today!


Double trouble with Ulises & little Thelma

Ulises & little Thelma are twice the cuteness!

How adorable are these two home mates?

And what hooman wouldn’t want one fawn and one black Puglet?

We love Ulises as a name! It’s too cute!

Double trouble with Ulises & little Thelma

Thank you to @ulitoandthelma on Instagram!


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