
This is such a touching photo of a Pug who lost his hind leg but is shuffling on – thanks to his prosthetic legs. Now, he’s not just standing tall, he looks like Robo-Pug when he does it, too!

Robo Pug

Pugs of Anarchy

We’re in love with this cute little Pug! Finally, the Pug fury is unleashed 😉  As you can see, Dexter is clearly in charge. We can’t wait to see him mount his Hog and take out some bad guys with Pug Power!

This Pug is Breaking Bad AND Cute! Thank you Laura Molay and Dexter.

Pugs of Anarchy - Dexter

Pug Plays Fetch!

Wow! Just watch this Pug in action. He is fast, agile and will fetch that red ball, especially if you give him treats! 😉

Watch out, I got this - Join the Pugs

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