Mondays Make Me Sleepy

The weekend can’t over already! That is not fair. We even feel bad our Pugs, like this young one below. They are tuckered out from a long, hard, Weekend-long, work effort!

Mondays Make Me Sleepy

Thank you to Alejandra Prada Marmolejo for this super cute photo!

Party Pug

I bet this Pug is great at parties. Just look at how cool he is with those giant headphones. He can also do a mean strut towards the treats table.

Let's get this party started - Join the Pugs
Thank you Maity de Neve for the photo!

Treats Economics

Uh-oh! This little Pug is becoming concerned with the soaring prices of treats. You think he might even consider holding off on his mid-morning and close-to-midnight snacks? Nah, treats are just too yummy to resist!

Treats are so expensive - Join the Pugs
Thank you to Ashley Couper and Beau for the photo!

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