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Santa wait for your kisses from the Pug!

Thank you to Viking Mops for the excellent Christmas photo!

Santa should wait around for his kisses from this super cute Pug.

Santa wait for your kisses from the Pug!
🎅🎄Thank you to our dear friends @VikingMops👍TAG us to be featured 📷

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Santa Pug is coming to town!

Hagrid is Santa Pug

He’s coming to find out if you’ve been naughty or nice.

If you’re nice, he may give you a hug.

Do you have a pawsome Pug photo to share? Contact us today!

Santa Pug is coming to town!
🎅 Santa Pug is coming to town! Thank you to @hagridallday 💋

“Another #SantaPaws Sighting 🎄📸”

#tistheseason #pugsofinstagram #MerryChristmas #SantaClaus #puglover #dogs #dogsofinstagram #pugstagram #pugsandkisses #pugs #pugsnotdrugs #instapug #blackpug #pugpower

The Pug Arthur and his Christmas tree

What present do you think the Pug Arthur will find under his Christmas tree?

The Pug Arthur and his Christmas tree
🎄How #pawsome is the @thepugarthur? 💙TAG a #puglover!

“I would like to thank @poochusir for my wonderful Christmas harness! We love the classic pattern and the elegant bow-tie. ❤🎄
#pug #pugs #cute #dog #puglife #puppy #carlin #mops #pugsnotdrugs #puglove #pugmom #tagsforlikes #photooftheday #christmas #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #dogoftheday #pugoftheday #cutepug #cutedog #purepugspp #pugsproud #pugpower #pugsarethebest #pugstagram #petstagram #poochusir #weeklyfluff #dutchpugsociety #pets”

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Santa wait for your kisses from the Pug!
Santa Pug is coming to town!
The Pug Arthur and his Christmas tree
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