Welcome to Join the Pugs!
Viking Mops Leaps Into Cuteness
The Viking Mops Pugs Have Us On The Run
Have you ever had a dream where you felt like you were being pursued by a hungry creature?
It turns out that’s the monstrous Pug Monster coming for you!
Don’t worry, there’s a cure for this condition, and it requires #puglove

You Can’t Escape From Me Hooman!
Don’t worry, this Pug Monster is only coming for your treats and affection.
However, he is likely to stay for a nap as he’ll be tired from pursuing you.
Have a cute photo to share with us?
Please feel free to drop us a line any time!
Puggy Night is a Post-Impressionist Masterpiece
Van Gogh never painted anything this cute!
We named this work, “Puggy Night,” as it’s clearly inspired by the famous Post-Impressionist masterpiece Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.
As long as there are Pugs, there is a desire to represent their cuteness.
Paintings are a wonderful way to accomplish this devotion!
We are thrilled that the artist choose the combined inspiration of Post-Impressionism with adorable Pugs.
Unfortunately, we do not know who the clearly talented artist is of Puggy Night.
Please contact us if you know.
Puggy Night vs Starry Night
If Vincent Van Gogh were a Pug lover, which he likely was, he probably would have painted a Puggy Night.
As you can see below, the likeness is truly amazing.
We’re not sure why a Pug is not in Starry Night itself!
It’s all a puggy, starry, crazy dream!
What do you think?
Do you agree with us that the two painting have an uncanny likeness?
Drop us a line and let us know!
Pug lovers, no holiday gives us more pleasure or fun than July 4th! To us, July 4th is more than a holiday, it represents the ideals of freedom and tolerance for all hoomans the world over.
Now, we’re not crazy, we know the world is not perfect. If it was, Pugs would not be needed! However, the July 4th holiday is a day that we believe everyone can believe in regardless of nationality, race, age, or creed.
In fact, even cat lovers can even love July 4th!

Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves. We love cats, too.
This July 4th holiday, don’t forget to smother your Puglet with hugs and kisses! We’re sure they will be happy to return the favor. And keep the ideas of freedom and tolerance in your heart that millions have fought for over the ages.