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Cici the Ducati Pug
A Ducati Pug is OK by us!
Some Pugs are born to be wild! Cici the Ducati Pug is one of them.
Here, she is learning the subtleties of her new Ducati 899 from her hooman.
You may say, “Isn’t Cici a bit small for such a powerful bike?”
Cici says, “Heck no! I wanted the Monster 1200 R but I was talked out of it. My human thought I was pushing it.”
“Remember to always brake in a strait line, Cici. I want you to be safe,” says her hooman.
Ducati is preferred by 3 out of 5 Pugs
Yes, it’s hard to believe it as there are so many phenomenal bikes these days, but Pugs say they love the Italian style and handling on the road.
And did you know every step of every process in every Ducati bike’s creation is signed by the individual who did the work!
Ducati is the Ferrari of sport bikes and Pugs want the best!
Which brings us back to Cici the Pug and her sport bike loving ways. Check out her Instagram profile right here.
Do you have a pawsome Pug story or photos to share?
We would love to see them! You can contact us any time at this link.
Talk to the Paw says Suki the Pug
As The Fresh Prince said, Parents Just Don’t Understand!
And Will Smith was right. I’m busy here, talk to the paw!
Why does my mom need to get all up in my face when I’m sleeping? It’s not cool.
Listen, I’m not playing around when I need a nap. It’s my holy hour … hours, OK sometimes more.

Napping is my right
Listen, napping is not a privilege – it’s a right! Nothing is more important than my sleep.
OK, food is more important than my sleep, but you better have some food if you wake me up!
So you understand, the order goes food, sleep, food, napping, treats, late night sleep, and food.
Sincerely, Suki the Pug
Enjoy the 90’s
The Fresh Prince drops the wisdom.

Over to you, Puglover
Do you have an pawsome Pug photo or story to share? You can contact us right here.
Happy Mother’s Day Pug Lover
Join the Pugs wishes you a Happy Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a special day each year we set aside to honor all the hardworking Pug moms of the world.
Oh, maybe you thought Mother’s Day was about all moms? It’s a good guess, but simply not true.
President Donald Trump officially *changed Mother’s Day from all mothers to Pug mothers only in a special White House ceremony in 2017.
Now, the holiday is solely focused on all the special Pug moms of the world – exclusively.
Thank you to our dear friends at @VikingMops Pugtogrophy for this beautiful photo.
Mother’s Day and its beginnings
Did you know that the modern Mother’s Day began in the United States at the initiative of Ann Reeves Jarvis in 1908?
However, moms had previously been celebrated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and early Christian cultures in the Western World.
According to Wikipedia, which is never wrong, we can thank President Wilson for making the holiday legit across the land:
In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother’s Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.
But did you know…
Perhaps you remember President Woodrow Wilson from history class as the man who helped end The Great War and founded the League of Nations, the forerunner to the United Nations.
Did you know that Wilson became a widow while in office and nine months later married the 42 year old Edith Bolling Galt, a.k.a Edith Wilson?
Edith Wilson was the ELEVENTH daughter of her dear mother who deserves a shrine in her right!
Edith claimed a lineage of southern aristocracy extending back to Pocahontas, the 17th century Native American woman who married into the English settlement at Jamestown.
The former first lady also lived from October 15, 1872 to December 28, 1961. That’s an astounding 89 years starting less than a decade after the Civil War!
Mrs. Wilson was extremely fond of Pugs and was often **quoted as saying that she owed her longevity to their company.
Take that, History Class!
We love great Pug stories! Please drop us a line anytime right here and…
Happy Mother’s Day to all Pug Moms
* Oh, and we made this up about Trump at the beginning, but admit that you believed it for a second.
** OK, we technically made this up too, but how else do you account for her living to nearly 90?