As The Fresh Prince said, Parents Just Don’t Understand!
And Will Smith was right. I’m busy here, talk to the paw!
Why does my mom need to get all up in my face when I’m sleeping? It’s not cool.
Listen, I’m not playing around when I need a nap. It’s my holy hour … hours, OK sometimes more.
Napping is my right
Listen, napping is not a privilege – it’s a right! Nothing is more important than my sleep.
OK, food is more important than my sleep, but you better have some food if you wake me up!
So you understand, the order goes food, sleep, food, napping, treats, late night sleep, and food.
Sincerely, Suki the Pug
Enjoy the 90’s
The Fresh Prince drops the wisdom.

Over to you, Puglover
Do you have an pawsome Pug photo or story to share? You can contact us right here.